Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer full-charge bookkeeping?

Yes. We can take care of your data entry and reconciliation of bank accounts as well as the reconciliation of your credit card accounts. We can also handle accounts receivable, accounts payable, and payroll, so you can trust that your company’s finances are in order

What is the process?

If you like our estimate, we will have you sign a Client Agreement – and that’s when the real work begins. We will start by setting you up with QuickBooks Online or streamlining your existing QuickBooks system. From here, you send us bank statements, credit card statements, invoices, and receipts. We will make sure your books are accurate. To streamline things going forward, we will invite you to an app called Expensify. It lets you submit your receipts directly to us, so we are always on the same page and you can trust that we always have your most accurate information.

Is my information secured?

Absolutely! We have a secured file system that makes uploading your files, statements, and tax documents so easy that you can even do it from your phone.

How much do you charge?

Pricing varies considerably from business to business, but we are happy to provide you with an estimate. Contact us now to schedule a free consultation.

We have a Quickbooks Online account. How can we invite you?
Sign in to your QuickBooks Online company.

Choose Gear Icon > Manage Users.

Go to the Accountants section and click Invite Accountant.

Enter our preferred email address and first/last name (optional).

Your accountant will be sent an email that contains a link for signing in to your company.

Your accountant will be asked to create a user ID before signing in the first time, unless they already have an account with Intuit Business Services.

Until your accountant signs in, their status on the Manage Users page is “Invited.” After accepting the invitation, their status changes to “Active.”

Click Next and Finish.

Are all tools provided to us for free?

Yes, our clients will have the convenience and pleasure of using our tools for free.

My Tax Preparer asked me to sign a blank return. What should I do?​

As with hiring any professional, you should always be aware of red flags that could indicate this person isn’t looking out for your best interest.

Remember, you are legally responsible for the information on your tax return, so you need to be sure you review all the information before you sign it and it’s submitted. You should never sign a blank tax form—any tax preparer that asks you to do this is likely not conducting legal business.

You should also be skeptical of preparers that don’t have a PTIN or claim they can get you a bigger refund than anyone else. This includes preparers who base their fee on a percentage of your refund.

Preparers who refuse to sign your form may also be fraudulent. Be aware of these red flags when you’re looking for a tax preparer—it’s always essential to get a tax professional who wants to genuinely help you.

​All tax preparers who assist with your return for any type of compensation are required to have a Preparer Tax Identification Number (PTIN). You should always ask about their licensure and PTIN. Without the PTIN, they’re not legally permitted to prepare your tax return.

Should you have any doubt as to whether or not a tax preparer has a PTIN, you can search the IRS’ online directory for the tax professional in question.

In addition, be sure that your potential tax preparer has the proper training to practice in your state. Some tax professionals are required to pass an exam with the Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulations.